Looking for the big hit

While the D-backs have a dangerous offense, I’ve always said they’re learning to be consistent.  Looking big picture, they play in extremes.  They either score a ton of runs or they go into a collective slump.  There is not a lot of in-between.

I think the problem is that they’re always waiting for that big hit and the pressure mounts if they fail to get that big hit.  The big hit mentality is a lot of pressure because it’s low odds.  The big hit often alludes the D-backs when they have low scoring games.  They get several big hits when they score 5 or more.  They actually score a lot of runs and have a good run differential.  However, they can be better.

It would help them get that big hit if they take the pressure off by getting the easier runs.  The easier runs are those when you have a runner on third with less than two outs.  I wish there was a stat that showed how well they did but I’ve watched all of their games and I would say it isn’t very good.

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